Banksy Legos

Artist Bricksy has just managed to combine two of my favorite things: Art and Legos.  Check out this incredible series of photos where Bricksy managed to recreate some of the famous street art from the legendary Banksy.  Enjoy!


World Trade Center

Over ten years in the making, this is one of the most amazing time lapse videos I have ever seen.  Since this project has started there has been a combined effort of thousands to get the site where it is today.  I can not wait to visit and experience this memorial museum tonight.

Burj Khalifa Jump

Two men, after a year of training, decided to base jump from the top of the antenna on the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.  The Burj Khalifa stands at 2,722 ft high and is currently the tallest building in the world.  I was fortunate enough to get the chance to go to the top back in 2010 when it first opened and it is so tall that from the observation deck you can start to see the curvature of the earth! Both men are from France and when asked about the jump one said, "This is the dream, the highest building in the world." Check out the Buzzfeed article here and watch the video below.


Cruising through sound cloud today and came across these guys from Portland Maine.  With a sounds that is reminiscent of Lazerdisk, Diplo, and a little bit of Pretty Lights I just cant seem to get enough.  It's like each song is taking you on a epic journey with a ever changing pace.  Kick back and enjoy some tracks from these guys from the north east.

Original Concept Art

Today Buzzeed published some of the original concept art from the Star Wars Films.  This is a must see, all of these images are absolutely beautiful.  It is amazing how an idea can go so flawlessly from a drawing on a page to a full length film.  If you are as much of a Star Wars fan as I am lets cross our fingers that Disney does not screw up the next three which they decided to make after acquiring Lucas Films. Check out the art here!