A little Martin Garrix to get everyone through this very long hump day. I can not believe this kid is only 17 and dropping some of the hottest tracks around. Mega stars like AfroJack, Tiesto, and Dillon Francis have all recently come out with tracks collaborating with Garrix. Hopefully your a fan because it doesn't seem like this kid is leaving the scene any time soon. Can't wait to see him twice at EDC New York. Enjoy!
Over Sized Jenga
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to play a life size game of Jenga. I mean two stories high, 600 lb block Jenga. Well these two guys decided to get two Caterpillar machines and go head to head in the largest game of Jenga I have ever seen. Check out the Buzzfeed article here!
GTA Live Ultra Set
Nothing like a little GTA to start off your Thursday. Four years ago this duo were just a couple of guys working in Miami, this year they took UMF by storm. Enjoy.
Bye Bye Ultra?
Could it be? Will this finally be the year town officials say enough is enough? It seems that almost every year these are the questions everyone in Miami is asked. Every year when all is said and done there are always a few people who think that Ultra Music Festival is getting out of hand and needs to leave Miami. What those people fail to realize is that the festival brings in over 200 million to the the local economy. Every year a few people get injured and someone gets on their high horse and says that the kids are out of control. But with over 100,000 people in attendance and less than a 100 getting injured or arrested this just simply is not the case. If you do the math over 99% of attendees leave the festival safe and with a smile on their face. So just because a few individuals made some poor decisions this should not have to ruin it for the rest of us. And if Miami did end up parting ways with Ultra Music Festival I am sure there would be a lot of very angry business owners who counted on some of that revenue. Check out the great debate here.
photo by Rukes.com
Princeton At Night
This past weekend I had some free time and decided it would be nice to take a little trip into Princeton. I have been going to visit this small college town since I was young and no matter how many times I go back, it just never seems to get old. I had a chance to stroll around the campus, up and down Nassau Street, and even managed to enjoy a cappuccino at Small World Coffee. If you are ever in the area take five minutes and stop there, they make an amazing cup of joe. Anyway, here are some pictures I managed to snap while walking around enjoying the evening.
Click on photo to scroll through the gallery.
Trolled In Front of 50,000 People
Well, I guess it was bound to happen. This past saturday Deadmau5 had to step in and take place for Avicii who fell sick last week to close out Ultra Day 2. But some are criticizing one remix he played. Seventeen year old Martin Garrix song "Animals" was easily the most played and remixed song of the festival this week but Deadmau5's remix of it caused some controversy. Deadmau5 chose to play a mix previously made by another producer that was set to the tune of "old mcdonald." Some have said its all in good fun and just some hazing of the new guy from a seasoned vet. But others, such as mega dj Tiesto, are calling it disrespectful. What do you think?
Photo by Rukes.com
Afrojack Live at Ultra
The amount of popularity this man has gained in the last few years is unprecedented. Afrojack is known to pump out some of the most insane beats around. Collaborating with everyone from Snoop Dogg to Martin Garrix. His set this year at Ultra Music Festival he came fully prepared with a packed hour long set of new tracks and remixes, check it out.
Damascus Mural
Artists from Damascus have put together one of the most beautiful murals I have ever seen and all from scraps of war. Not only did it turn out amazing but it also managed to earn them a Guinness World Record. Check out the story below.
Microsoft Office Expands
Thank you! Finally after all these years microsoft office will soon be available on the ipad. For the longest time there has been a great debate on what is better, the ipad or the surface. Each time, although the ipad seems to be victorious, there is always someone who brings up the fact that that they need microsoft office more than they would need apps for music and games. No longer will the two be separate. Check it out.
Uh Oh Internet
Social media can really be the worst sometimes. Thanks Buzzfeed for ranking the 58 worst things to tover happen via social media because we were all wondering, and you delivered.
58 Worst Things To Ever Happen On Social Media.
Porsgrunn Maritime Museum
One of the coolest museums I have ever seen!
(click image to scroll through gallery)
Edible Vending
Have you ever come out of a bar or club late at night and been craving something sweet? You wanted a treat but nothing ever seems to be open? Well that is all about to change. See how in this article about one company who is bringing the cupcake to the people.