A little Martin Garrix to get everyone through this very long hump day. I can not believe this kid is only 17 and dropping some of the hottest tracks around. Mega stars like AfroJack, Tiesto, and Dillon Francis have all recently come out with tracks collaborating with Garrix. Hopefully your a fan because it doesn't seem like this kid is leaving the scene any time soon. Can't wait to see him twice at EDC New York. Enjoy!
Trolled In Front of 50,000 People
Well, I guess it was bound to happen. This past saturday Deadmau5 had to step in and take place for Avicii who fell sick last week to close out Ultra Day 2. But some are criticizing one remix he played. Seventeen year old Martin Garrix song "Animals" was easily the most played and remixed song of the festival this week but Deadmau5's remix of it caused some controversy. Deadmau5 chose to play a mix previously made by another producer that was set to the tune of "old mcdonald." Some have said its all in good fun and just some hazing of the new guy from a seasoned vet. But others, such as mega dj Tiesto, are calling it disrespectful. What do you think?
Photo by Rukes.com
Afrojack Live at Ultra
The amount of popularity this man has gained in the last few years is unprecedented. Afrojack is known to pump out some of the most insane beats around. Collaborating with everyone from Snoop Dogg to Martin Garrix. His set this year at Ultra Music Festival he came fully prepared with a packed hour long set of new tracks and remixes, check it out.
Five Tracks To Rule Them All
With Miami Music Week quickly approaching, there is a lot of speculation of who will play where, what beats will be dropped the most, and what surprises each artist will bring to the stage. With all these questions up in the air, legendary Pete Tong makes his top five picks for what he thinks will be the most popular tracks to be dropped. Check it out.